When you feel the severe rheumatic pain and other inflammatory condition, you will think that you need to get the medication as soon as possible. Yes, consuming medicines is one of the most common way for people to cure the rheumatic pain. They will consume the medicines available in the drugstore to ease the pain. However, they are full of chemical and consuming them constantly will do no good for our body. Actually, you can cure the rheumatic pain just by maintaining your foods. Below are the list of the food you should consume and avoid to reduce your rheumatic pain.
1. What Should You Eat a Lot?
To reduce the rheumatic pain, you can try to eat a lot amount of fish. The type of fish you have to consume is any fish with a lot of fat. You can consume the flesh of the fish, you can also consume the fish oil as well. Beside of fish, you have to consume a lot amount of walnut oil, olive oil, raps oil, and so on. This kind of food is loaded with omega-9-poly-unsaturated fat and omega-3-poly-unsaturated to reduce your rheumatic pain. Beside of that vegetables are also important to reduce your rheumatic pain.
2. What Should You Eat (But Not Too Much)?
You can eat corn oil and soya oil. However, do not consume them frequently. You also can consume cereals and bread but you have to maintain the intake. Do not eat them constantly because they will worsen your rheumatic pain.
3. What Should You Avoid to Eat?
You cannot eat saturated fat foods such as margarine, fast food, cookies, bread, and so on that have saturated fat in it. Consuming them will surely worsen the rheumatic pain and you will have higher risk of diabetes as well.
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